スペイン人の女性デザイナーが手掛けるTiscar Espadas(ティスカーエスパダス)。
ロンドンの名門Royal College of Artを卒業し、今回のコレクションはその卒展の作品になります。
Find here a bit more about the story behind Capitulo I:
With CAPITULO I (spanish translation of CHAPTER I), like within a novel, the characters are shown to us as the stories and personalities are constructed, bringing us closer to the original concept of identity. Our image identifies us, both revealing and hiding ourselves in equal parts. It encompasses us in a certain group, it aligns us as belonging to a certain society or culture and at the same time it makes us feel unique as individuals.
Therefore, each individual creates their own character that makes them feel unrepeatable and at the same time adopts the tropes of the group they would like to belong to.
We build uniforms that identify us with our own personalities or with the ideals of what we would like to be.
The versatility of the garments and pieces, their multiple functions and compositions and the possibility of combination, enlargement and reduction, generates diverse (almost sculptural) forms that give the bearer the ability to form their own character and armour, creating their identity.
These clothes are the logbook of an intense and complex work process. it is rooted in craft processes, which incorporate both, my focus on detail, and what is accidentally found along the way -like strokes with pen that don't have a way back.
cotton 100%
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